
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The best thing in the world

In honor of three people telling me today already I look/sound tired, including my mom, I'd like to dedicate this post to my first love: coffee. I was first introduced during our freshmen college days, and the love has blossomed from there.

Jeremy (who's been drinking coffee since he was a kid but don't worry he's 6' tall) and I have traveled near and far to bring you our favorites:

1. Best budget buy: Kirkland's Sumatra French Roast Coffee (found at Costco)
2. Best middle buy: Whole Foods' 365 Everyday French Roast Coffee
3. Best splurge: Intelligentsia Quetzal Breakfast Blend or any 100% Kona coffee

My kind husband even sent me to work this morning with my French roast coffee in one of the greatest inventions ever:a Thermos leak-proof backpack bottle. I was able to throw this in my bag, nary a worry about coffee spills.

(My mom, by the way, has given me permission to close my office door and put my head down on my desk.)

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