
Monday, September 20, 2010

Jack can add this to his growing list of things to discuss with his therapist

We've had our condo on the market since April 1, and no dice so far. We still believe in our condo and finding the right buyer - this economic market is just a killer.

Jeremy and I took stock of the situation this weekend. How can a fundraiser whose job it is to sell, sell, and sell and a writer (that's what Jeremy likes to call himself these days but he also could be described as a public relations professional whose job is it to market) not sell their place?

Even if the market isn't kind to us, we can't say we didn't try. Today, we lower our price. We also are thinking about writing a letter to leave out to prospective buyers on what we love about our condo and our neighborhood. Oh, and if I have to, I'm not below setting out homemade cookies and bottles of water to sweeten the deal. And one last thing: We rented a small storage spot to store some of our things to declutter our home.

I'm just guessing but I'm betting our potential buyer of a 2 bedroom/2 bath loft condo smack in the middle of Chicago probably doesn't have children. So we have to de-kidify, which is hard. Jack is spending much of the time out of our condo because our nannyshare is currently at my friend's house (we switch off every few months), so we're hoping he won't miss the toys we've stored. Though, our little guy did have to come with us to the storage unit this morning and saw Mommy and Daddy put his toys away. We assured him that we "own" this space and that we can visit the toys any time. And someday we will have them all back. He stood there, processing it all. I'm just waiting for the questions...and hoping I have good answers (and the resistance to not buy more toys in the meantime...)

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