
Friday, April 1, 2011

So.... I am. Back at work. It's almost like this crescendo building as I walk to the L, high-five my favorite CTA worker, take the train, ride up the elevator with a woman who I tell it's my first day back and she wishes me good luck, walk through the door of my office and plop down at my desk. So.

I think I need a round of the glad game to get me through this day:

  • The love and support of Jeremy, who is taking a half-day today to be with the kiddos this afternoon.
  • The love and support of my family and friends.
  • My son who keeps me laughing with his antics - this morning, all of his toothbrushes (he has three - don't ask) were furry. I asked why. He told me, "I brushed Roscoe!"
  • My sweet baby girl who slept from 8:30 p.m. to 3 a.m. last night and who had a really good morning today.
  • A wonderfully warm workplace that supports family life. AND today is filing and pizza day, my favorite day of the year.
  • The promise of milder temperatures and sunshine tomorrow. Jeremy and I are already planning for breakfast at Xoco and an afternoon outing to the Chicago Botanic Garden with Jack and Jossie.
  • The Internet for shopping - I'm trying to buy everything online as a working mom of two - groceries, baby supplies, you name it. Even with shipping, I honestly think it will cost me less in the long-run - no impulse-buying. I'll let you know how it goes.
One of my co-workers asked me how I was doing this morning. When she asked me the same question three years ago, after my return from maternity leave with Jack, I burst into tears. I'm holding my own better today. I do have some strong emotions about the work I'm faced with - I left so early I didn't have to time to plan for my maternity leave and get things organized. And this is the last place I was before being admitted to the hospital. I'm working through all of that and taking things one day at a time.

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