
Friday, May 13, 2011

May 13 baby update

Been awhile since you’ve seen one of these updates, eh? We had Jossie’s 4-month check-up yesterday, and she is doing great. She’s still small at 10 lbs 5 oz – barely on the charts for a 4-month-old and in the 25% percentile for weight for her adjusted age of 2 months. But she is growing weight steadily (she’s more than triple her birth weight!), which is reassuring to our pediatrician and thus me too.

Her head’s a bit wobbly when she holds it up on her own but her other tricks of chatting with us with her baby talk and reaching for toys are characteristic of a 4-month-old’s behavior, which just tickles me to no end. I got so excited to hear this, I went home after our appointment and loaded her activity mat up with lots of toys for her to reach for. She was a bit overwhelmed with the mat this morning and fell asleep.

Back to our appointment: When Dr. Hong put Jossie on her belly and forearms, Jossie almost turned over – another developmental milestone. She hadn’t done this for us at home yet (unless Maria’s keeping it a secret from us!), so Dr. Hong and I were both pretty excited. Jossie made it from her belly to her side and then stopped – enough for now. Perhaps she is waiting to be home with Daddy to pull off the full roll-over onto her back (since Jeremy is still giving me grief about sending him out of the room for something right before Jack took his very first steps, I have to say I was relieved he didn’t miss this first for Jossie).

All in all, our little girl is doing well - nowhere near sleeping through the night but the smiles during the day make it all worth it.

Jack's loving life - he, Maria and Jossie took a trip to Navy Pier yesterday morning to visit the Chicago Children's Museum. They rode the bus (Jossie's first public transportation experience - someone get out the baby book), and he was thrilled. He's living it up until the fall when the realities of preschool - you know, playing with the class bunny, listening to stories, and eating paste - set in. We've got swimming lessons for him, Dino Camp at The Field Museum, and a few trips for this big brother.

Happy Friday!

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