
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Messy perfection

It's Mother's Day, and motherhood has kicked my booty this year.

I have a three-year-old who likes to act like a three-year-old, testing limits and harnessing the power of the word "no!" I have both a preschooler and an infant, who both need and want my attention. I have the scars of an emergency c-section from that day in January.  I have not slept through the night for all of 2011.

So, darn it, I really earned today. I prayed for a sunny day, and it was a delightfully sunny day. Jeremy treated me to breakfast in bed, and I enjoyed and reveled in my laziness. He brought me a croissant from Floriole, a strong cup of French roast coffee, and yogurt with granola and berries. Jossie was my little bedfellow, nursing here and there, and blessedly falling asleep on my chest at one point as I watched Food Network. This being my second time around, I know these sweet baby cuddles won't last for long, so I soaked them in.

Jack couldn't stand me being lazy in bed - he brought in toy after toy and played at the end of the bed, asking me repeatedly when I was getting up.

Motherhood has taught me I'm not in control of my life. I may think I'm a control freak, a planner, a lover of to do lists, but I'm not in charge. Even a morning "alone" in bed means toys strewn across my room, spit-up stains on my pajama top, and a few spills of coffee here and there.

And that's just fine.

Because I have him.

And her.

And even though being a mommy is a lot of work, it's worth it. The smiles, the sloppy kisses, the true love. I hope I've made my own mom as proud as my kids have made me.

Happy Mother's Day to my mom, mother-in-law, sisters, aunts, cousins and friends!

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