
Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Life is not easy by any measure. Faith binds the journey, and, believe you me, I've been saying my prayers with much regularity this past year.

Relationships make life's journey worthwhile. Today, in its many acts, I was reminded of that.

The morning brought a humid yet breezy day at the Openlands Lakeshore Preserve. Fog rolling in from the lake, I stood with two co-workers aside the unfinished bridge that spans one of the three ravines on site. The bridge literally takes you through the tree tops as you hear the waters of Lake Michigan hitting the shore down  below. It's breathtakingly beautiful, and I'm grateful to work alongside a wonderful team of people to bring the Preserve to life.

After a working lunch, it was home for the afternoon to type away at the computer, cuddle my babies and chat with Maria. It's a treat to work at home, listening to Jack play a game of Candyland with Maria.

Happy tears in the early evening as we welcomed home dear friends who have spent the past eight years in St. Louis. They have moved back, and we are so glad to have them here. We had an early dinner at Goose Island Brewery. As we ate, we started plotting our next visit later in the week.

Last outing for the day was a 7 p.m. pediatrician's appointment for Jossie for her six-month check-up. She is catching up in leaps and bounds, my beautiful girl. She is chatting, rolling over, holding her head up well, bearing weight on her legs and giving good smiles and laughs. Our doctor was so pleased with her progress. Jossie is on the growth charts for her actual age - in the 5th to 10th percentile for weight and 25th percentile for length. I've wanted for so long for Jossie to grow and grow, and now here she's growing up too fast.

Bedtime: Jeremy is at a concert, and I'm at home with Jack and Jossie. The three of us are snuggled in Jack's bed, way after both of their bedtimes. I hold my babies near. Jossie still fits - for now - in the crook of my arm as Jack and I talk about our day.

I'm grateful for my family and friends for making every day worthwhile.

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